This series is made by Mr.Oka. “BAKO” means a box in Japanese. So OKABAKO means a box made by Mr.Oka.
He is a professional about sheet metal working. Also he is an enthusiastic angler. He could not satisfied all tackle boxes in market, so he created a lure box which can satisfy himself.
He carefully produced each one by one in his factory. All his energy as a craftsman put in each products. We can call it “100% made in Japan”, “100% made by Japanese”.
Smaller one is OKABAKO PORCH. Larger one is OKABAKO T1. Both are completely different from mass production. One anglers touch this, surely everyone can feel Mr.Oka’s craftsmanship.
OKABAKO has not produced any more in Japan but we have a few in our shop stock. We want to introduce to Vietnamese anglers, who want the genuine one.
OKABAKO T1 = 7.290.000VND